Rode his ‘police edition” big white Harley through the pearly gates of heaven on Dec. 27, 2021. His adventurous and free spirit will ride on.
The Bavarian ski legend will be greatly missed by many worldwide. Beloved brother to his sister Ike in Munich, with whom he spoke often. With Püeppi he was a beloved parent, father to his sons Mani and Mel Ott. Grandfather to Kyle and Kailey, who he Facetimed with on Christmas Day so they could see his iconic large smile on his face.
The outdoor enthusiast, Michael could be found riding his Harley to Silverton or Grand Junction. To Silverton he would take photos of mines, rocks or mushrooms for ages. He loved his morels. Saturdays were usually spent going to Harley Davidson in Grand Junction to visit owner Scott, Ed and other employees in his large circle of friends. He also rode a Suzuki dirt bike with Hal over Ophir and Black Bear. Stubbornly sans helmet “so I can hear the birds chirp,” quotes Hal of Michael’s love of nature.
At Orvis Hot Springs he was known as the “Polar Bear,” spending as much time in the cold plunge as hot. “Magpie Michael” was another nickname for his frequent conversations with one above the Watsu pool as he sipped his hot chocolate and caught the last rays of the day. He sported a “bain de soleil” tan yearround, which helped make him irresistible to the ladies.
Michael watched every ski race he could, especially the Streif in Kitzbühel, Austria. That was a Sunday ritual adhered to religiously.
Michael skied the Chilean slopes in the summer. Since retirement, he spent winters mostly in Telluride. He worshipped the sun, the nature and the fresh air in the mountains. I was priviledged enough to find him on the slopes and always honored to ski a few runs. We would share soup with Doris or Hal at Bon Vivant. He always took a break at Alpino Vino on top and never miss a chance to see Rowena at Gorrono’s. Apres ski was usually at Allred’s, top of gondola for sunset and views, into town of Telluride and its majestic surroundings. His ski family included some greats like Stein Eriksen, Willy Bodner, Tony Sailer, Hal Adams and his son Mel. Otherwise he really preferred to ski alone at his own pace.
San Miguel was a true gentlemen, fabulous friend and pioneering architect. A lover of fine cuisine and the arts. He was a great painter himself, i.e. Kitzbühel Mountains of Austria, and collector of his favorites. He always gave copies of photos he had taken to his subjects. San Miguel was a generous and gentle soul whose love is felt by so many. To know San Miguel was to love San Miguel.
Respectfully yours, Santa Maria
The family will hold a small memorial this summer. There is a box for notes to family at the front desk of Orvis. They will be informed of a locals’ send off as well.